It’s Time to Take a Closer Look at Your Porches, Patios, and Steps.

It is nearly here: Spring. This is a time when we tend to start spending even more time outside. It is also a good time to step out and take a closer look at your porches, patios, and steps. Have you noticed anything that raises your eyebrows? If you have issues such as the porch pulling away from your stoop, or new or worsening cracks or voids in your landings or stairs, you may be experiencing foundation failure. At Foundations on the Level, we can help you identify these issues, their causes, and offer foundation repair solutions to solve the problem
What Causes Porch Steps to Pull Away?
Foundation issues are caused by the moisture levels in the soil around homes and businesses. If the soil has a lot of moisture, It will expand. If it becomes dry, it will then shrink back up. As a result, the foundation will shift, and settle resulting in the porch steps pulling away from the stoop, or will cause cracks to form or worsen. During the spring months in Southern California, it is typical to see a mix of rainy and dry conditions so fluctuations in the soil can be expected.
When is it Time to Call a Professional?
Have you discovered that your porch steps are pulling away from your stoop? It may be time to give the professionals at Foundations on the Level a call. If you have new or worsening issues, it is cause for concern and you may be experiencing foundation failure. Foundations on the Level has just the right expertise, equipment, and products to guarantee you a stable foundation that will last for many years. We specialize in installing resistance piers and helical piles to raise and steady your foundation. All of our products are manufactured by Earth Contact Products. ECP is the number one manufacturing company in the foundation repair industry.
Start With a Free Inspection of Your Foundation including Your Porch, Patio, and Stairs.
Foundations on the Level offers property owners a free inspection with a report so that you know for sure that you are getting the right foundation repair for your home or business. If you gave your porch, patio, and stairs a closer look this spring, and would like to find out about a free inspection, contact us today at 760-889-8150.