How to Fix a Cracked and Sinking Driveway

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if driveways perpetually flat and smooth, pristine surfaces on which to drive or walk or play? Unfortunately that is not reality. Many will eventually be faced with a cracked and sinking driveway.

And while driveways will inevitably, in time, require replacement, your goal should be to avoid that solution as long as possible. It is invasive. It is time-consuming. And it is very expensive.

Fixing a cracked driveway

The Problem With Sinking Driveway Slabs

When a driveway begins to sink and settle, the problems are twofold. The first are those that are the direct result of the sinking.

Ideally, your driveway slab should be basically level with the sidewalk and with the entrance to your garage. If your driveway slab begins to sink at one end, this is no longer the case. This can both pose a tripping hazard and increase the wear and tear on your tires.

Depending on how the driveway sinks, it also could affect drainage off of it. Ideally, your driveway won’t drain water toward your home. If it begins to sink in a way that it does, that can cause more significant problems for your home.

The second set of problems caused by a concrete slab sinking is the effect that it has on the concrete itself. If the entire slab sinks uniformly, your might have minimal issues in this regard. Unfortunately that is rarely the case. If the soil underneath supports some areas of the driveway better than others, it is going to place the slab under stress. Eventually, that stress will likely cause cracking. The longer the slab is under that stress, the worse the cracking issues are likely to get.

A Better Way to Repair a Cracked & Sinking Driveway

Unless the concrete is too far gone to be saved, a better option than tearing it all out and starting from scratch is to lift the sunken concrete back to its original level.

This will not magically fix the cracks. It will, however, remove the tripping hazards that cracks with elevation changes bring. It will also remove the stress on the concrete that can lead to more cracking by properly supporting the slab from below.

How Polyjacking Works

At Foundations on the Level, we use polyurethane foam concrete leveling, also known as polyjacking. After determining where the concrete needs to be lifted, we will drill one or more small holes roughly the size of a dime through the concrete slab. An expanding polyurethane foam solution is then injected through the hole into the soil underneath the slab.

The solution flows into the weak spots in the soil and then starts to expand, hydraulically lifting the concrete upward as it does so. By closely monitoring the process, we can precisely level your driveway slab.

Why Polyjacking Over Mudjacking?

Polyjacking holds several key advantages over the old concrete lifting standby of mudjacking.

  1. Smaller holes: While the size of mudjacking holes vary, they are often at least twice as large as those made for polyjacking. That makes the mudjacking holes more difficult to repair in a way that both doesn’t cause harm to the slab and doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb on the driveway.
  2. Faster cure time: With mudjacking, you usually can’t use your driveway for 24 hours after it is completed. With polyjacking, that time is 15 minutes.
  3. Water resistant: The polyurethane foam doesn’t break down in the presence of water or the chemicals found in soil. This makes it basically erosion-proof. The same can’t be said of cement slurry used in mudjacking, which can break down over time.
  4. Light-weight: The mudjacking slurry is heavy, which can further weigh down the soil. Polyurethane foam, on the other hand, is much lighter, removing that potential problem.

Need to Level Your Driveway in San Diego or Orange County? Give Foundations on the Level a Call

If you live in Southern California and your driveway is sinking and you want more information on what concrete leveling entails, contact us today at Foundations on the Level.

Why Is My Driveway or Sidewalk Sinking?

You’ve noticed that portions of your sidewalk or driveway (or porch, or pool deck, or any other concrete slab around your house) has started to sink. The slab is cracking, and the elevation change on either side of the crack is posing a tripping hazard. But why is your slab sinking?

Fixing a cracked driveway

The root of the problem likely lies in the soil beneath it, including when the root of the problem is literally a root.

Causes of Sinking Concrete Slabs

Soil Not Properly Compacted

Concrete is heavy. If the soil beneath the sinking slab isn’t properly compacted, it won’t be strong enough to support the weight of the concrete without the slab sinking.


Erosion can create voids under concrete slabs. Those voids then act as weak points, with those portions of the slab sinking. This differential settlement causes cracking and tripping hazards.

Shrink-Swell Cycle

Some soils, especially clay, have significant shrink/swell cycles. Depending on the condition of the soil when the concrete was laid, the soil shrinking as it dries could lead to settlement or the soil expanding when it is wet could lead to heaving.

Tree Roots

As trees grow, the roots grow, and sometimes grow under concrete slabs. During the growing stage, the roots are more likely to cause heaving than settlement or sinking. Mature trees, depending upon soil type, can draw enough water in through their roots to dry out the surrounding soil. The shrinkage from this can cause settlement in some cases. If a tree dies or it cut down, the decomposing roots can create voids or patches of poorly compacted soil, causing the slab to sink.

slab leveling

How We Repair Sinking Slabs

If the sinking slab is caused by poorly compacted soil or voids beneath the slab, we have the solution: concrete lifting with polyurethane foam. We pump the expanding foam beneath the slab. As it expands, the foam fills any subsurface voids and compacts the surrounding soil from within. It then hydraulically lifts the slab back to level from underneath.

Read more about concrete leveling.

Contact Us To Learn More About Our Concrete Leveling Services in Southern California

Foundations on the Level proudly serves San Diego and Orange counties in California. If you live within our service area and would like to learn more about how we can lift your sunken concrete slab, contact us today.

When To Repair or Replace Your Cracked Concrete

repair or replace foundation cracks

We’ve all seen cracked concrete that looks a little worse for wear, but sometimes it is hard to distinguish whether to repair or replace your damaged concrete.

While concrete is extremely durable, over time it will wear down. When homeowners see signs of damage in their driveway or walkways, they might think it’s time to replace them. But that’s not always the case. 

Concrete repair is a great way to revitalize your slabs, but how do you know if you should be repairing or replacing?

What Damages Your Concrete?

While there are a multitude of reasons why your concrete is damaged, here are some of the most common reasons:

Changing of The Seasons

Concrete’s number one enemy is the weather. Especially a dramatic change in weather. Temperature changes can cause concrete to expand and contract.

In warm weather, concrete expands, and when it cools, it shrinks. When concrete contracts and expands, the joints and cracks widen, collecting debris. Then, once it gets warm and the concrete will expand, causing the concrete to shift.

Soil Types

Your concrete slabs often were poured over areas of fill. And that fill, even if it was compacted very well, is not as stable as the native soils below.

So when fill soils consolidate and settle, voids form under the concrete slab. And eventually, that slab cracks and falls into these voids.


Concrete is a giant sponge. When it rains, concrete’s pores absorb every ounce of water. And when the sun comes out, the water evaporates.

This constant absorption and evaporation cycle causes spider-cracking at the concrete’s surface.

Should I Repair or Replace My Concrete?


  • Cracks – Cracks in concrete can be caused by freeze-thaw cycles, poor construction, and age. NexusPro is easily used to fill and seal cracks and control joints. Learn about our crack repair services.
  • Settled and unlevel slabs – Settled concrete is most likely occurring because of poor soil conditions. And settled concrete can be a huge safety issue and tripping hazard. Luckily, these are easily fixed with PolyLevel. Learn about our slab repair services.
  • Sunken steps – Front stoops and concrete steps sink and settle over time. But fortunately, they can be leveled, filled, and sealed to prolong their life. 


  • If your concrete is older than 30 years – Concrete that experiences a lot of wear-and-tear (like sidewalks and driveways) has a lifespan of about 25-50 years. Repairing does help prolong the concrete’s life cycle. But suppose your concrete is already up there in age and not looking so good. In that case, a full replacement might be the better option and a good investment in your property.
  • Deep cracks and large potholes – The rule of thumb is that if your concrete is sinking more than 8”, it makes more sense to replace it.
  • Poorly installed base – Sometimes, your concrete issues come down to how it was installed, and no amount of repairs can solve that problem. 

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Concrete Leveling Using Polyurethane Foam

Permanently Level and Stabilize Your Concrete This Spring

Springtime is often the time of year that homeowners look to complete home improvements and repairs. As you inspect your home, have you noticed uneven or sinking concrete slabs? Or an increased number of cracks? Foundations on the Level offers a solution to concrete leveling using polyurethane foam. The great news is that using polyurethane foam may permanently level and stabilize your concrete slabs!

An example of a concrete driveway that would benefit from polyurethane concrete leveling.
Example of cracked and sunken concrete

Best in the Industry for Concrete Leveling

In today’s industry, one of the leading solutions for concrete leveling and repair is polymer foam. At Foundations on the Level, we use Accella Polyurethane Systems for their Low-Density Water Blown Spray Foam. This foam spray is developed to meet all slab raising needs while replacing existing blowing agents with zero ozone-depleting solvents. This makes the foam a highly desirable solution as a result due to its environmental friendliness. Accella has overcome a major industry problem by creating this highly stable water-blown spray foam

How Polyurethane Foam Works

In order to fix your slab and raise it back to its original position, Foundations on the Level will evaluate your slab to identify the areas that need the polymer foam applied. Your concrete leveling professional will drill a small hole in the concrete in that area and inject the polymer foam, causing the concrete to rise to its original level. To see this process in action, watch this video.

This Spring, Consider Concrete Leveling With Polyurethane Foam

Foundations on the Level has the knowledge and tools to fix your slab and raise it back to its original position. We offer a free inspection and report for property owners so you can be confident in our expertise. The investment you have in your home or business with our concrete slab repair services. If you are interested in concrete leveling using polyurethane foam, call us today at 760-889-8150

Slab Foundation Repair

Need slab foundation repair services? We’ve got you covered! Whether your foundation has settled, has cracks, or needs to be leveled, we can repair your slab foundation in no time.

Slab Foundation Repair Methods

Slab Leveling

If your home has sloped floors, or is sinking in a certain location of your home, we can level out your slab using polyurethane foam. Polyurethane foam injection is a quick and simple process that yields long-lasting results.

Foundation Crack Repair

If your foundation has settled and has cracks, we can fill and fix those cracks to avoid further damage. Repairing foundation cracks is more than simply filling the cracks. Prior to any repairs, we’ll first need to determine whether or not the cracks are active. Our approaches will be different for active cracks because we’ll need to account for future movement.

Raising Settled Slab Foundations

If your foundation has settled, we can lift and level your foundation to it’s original location. Settling is one of the most common foundation problems due to soil movement. When the supporting soil beneath your home moves or shifts, your home can move along with it. In order to repair and reverse foundation settlement, we’ll use a variety of repair techniques to ensure your foundation won’t budge in the future!

Contact Foundations On The Level for Slab Foundation Repairs

Before starting on repairs, we’ll schedule an inspection to ensure we understand the root of the problem. Knowing where your foundation problems are coming from will help us choose the foundation repair method that is going to take care of your issues once and for all. Contact us to schedule an inspection today!

Concrete Slab Repair

leveling out concrete, slab repair

Wondering when you should hire an expert to repair your concrete slab? This post outlines a few concrete problems that you need to hire a professional for.

Cracks in Concrete Slab

Not all cracks in concrete are cause for concern, but we do recommend having a professional inspect your home if you do happen to notice any cracks. It’s always better to catch a problem early and be able to effectively repair it from the start, rather than allowing the problem to worsen over time. Knowing the type of the crack can help diagnose what the problem is, as well as how to go about fixing them. Expansion cracks, cracks from plastic shrinkage, and settling cracks are a few types of cracks that professionals will look for to help locate the source your foundation problems. You can learn more about these types of common concrete cracks in a previous blog post!

Sloping Concrete Slab

Fluctuating weather conditions, improper soil treatment before pouring a concrete slab, and regular wear and tear can all cause a concrete slab to slope. As the ground beneath the slab settles, the concrete can sink, or slope to one side. As time passes and the ground settles further, the concrete can sink or slope more, adding additional pressure to the slab, and can ultimately cause the slab to crack. It is best to contact a professional as soon as you notice any sloping or sinking in your concrete slab.

Uneven Concrete Slabs

Similar to sloping concrete, uneven concrete can also be caused by different weather conditions and settling. You’ll likely see uneven slabs in places like driveways, pool decks, sidewalks, and patios. Areas where concrete butts up to another piece of concrete are more prone to excessive movement. While uneven slabs in these areas may not need to be repaired immediately, the sooner you can stabilize the movement beneath the concrete slabs, the better.

If you need to repair your concrete slab, we offer free estimates, and perform foundation repairs that can keep your home structurally sound for years to come. Contact us to set up an inspection!

Cracked Slab Solutions in Southern California

cracked slabs

If you have a cracked slab on your Southern California property, it’s important to get it taken care of right away. Many homes and businesses in Carlsbad, San Diego, and surrounding areas experience cracked concrete slabs because of excess water changing the soil conditions. Other causes of cracked slabs are seismic activity or settlement over time.

FOUNDATIONS ON THE LEVEL is your trusted Southern California Foundation Repair Expert that specializes in the repair of cracked slabs and concrete. If you are a property owner, contact us today to schedule a free inspection and estimate.

What Caused My Cracked Slab?

Several conditions can lead to a cracked slab. Here are some of the most common issues that we find are causing cracked slabs in Southern California:

Soil Erosion

slab crack in southern ca

When the soil beneath your home is too saturated with water, it will expand and create pressure against your concrete slab. The soil then becomes dehydrated and shrinks when it is too dry, which causes movement in your concrete that can form cracks over time.

Foundation Settlement

Foundation settlement happens when the ground beneath your home can no longer support the weight above it. Your home will begin to sink into the ground. Usually, a home will not sink altogether at the same rate. Certain sections of the home will go down faster than others, causing an imbalance in the settlement. This will create dangerous slab cracks that need serious structural repair.

Seismic Activity

Although rare that a foundation would crack due to a typical west coast earthquake, seismic activity over time can shift the ground beneath your home, causing your foundation to settle and crack, or form gaps in your concrete.

Can I Repair My Cracked Slab Myself?

concrete slab crack repair southern california

There are many “DIY Cracked Slab Repair” techniques out there, but fixing a cracked slab isn’t a project that your average handyman can achieve.

Cracked slabs require structural repair because the root cause of them is structural damage. Simply mending a crack with caulk or concrete patching won’t address the underlying problem. You need to address your expanding soil problem or settling foundation to prevent cracked slabs in the future.

Have your property inspected by a Southern California foundation repair expert who understands structural issues and can provide you with a permanent solution.

Foundation Solutions for Cracked Slabs in San Diego & Orange County

Since several different things can cause cracked slabs, it is wise to get a foundation repair specialist to inspect your foundation.  They can help you find the underlying cause of the problem.

FOUNDATIONS ON THE LEVEL has been serving the Carlsbad area for over 2 decades.  We offer several solutions for cracked concrete slabs. If you have a foundation settlement issue, we can install steel piers underneath your home to make sure that your house is permanently secured on stable soil.

We also offer polyurethane slab injection to repair cracked slabs that have been damaged by soil erosion or ground movement not related to foundation settlement.

free inspections

Our professional team will evaluate your situation and provide you with a detailed quote based on your specific needs and budget. Call us today to get started!