What is the Purpose of a Crawl Space?

In Southern California, many homes are built with a slab-on-grade foundation. But some homes have a crawl space. Why would a home have a crawl space? What is the purpose of a crawl space?

What is the purpose of a crawl space?

There are a couple of reasons a builder might choose to add a crawl space to a home.

  1. Ease of Access: Many times a home is built with a crawl space for ease of installation and access for HVAC, water & sewer piping, and more. This allows for access for repairs later as well.
  2. Leveling the ground prior to building: When building a slab-on-grade foundation the ground has to be level. We have a lot of sloping properties in SoCal and it can get very expensive to level the ground enough to pour a foundation. In many cases, a crawl space is more cost-effective in this scenario.
  3. A slab may not be possible: Some properties just don’t work on a slab. Waterfront or sloping properties might not allow for a slab and a crawl space is the only way to go.

The Downside to Crawl Spaces

There are some downsides to crawl spaces, however.

Because crawl spaces vent to the outside, moisture and humidity can be a huge problem in a crawl space. This can lead to the following problems that you really don’t want to have:

  • Insect infestations
  • Mold
  • Mildew
  • Wood rot of exposed wood beams and joists
  • Foul odors

What can you do about these problems? You can install a crawl space vapor barrier and a dehumidifier to assist with moisture. Crawl space jacks can replace rotten wood supports to prevent sagging floors in the home above.

It’s important when considering purchasing a home to ask the current homeowner about any issues they have had with their crawl space. It may be considered an unimportant space in the home but it truly can affect the whole home. Ask questions and understand what’s going on beneath the home.

Is Slab-On-Grade a Better Option?

Slab-On-Grade is probably the most common foundation in Southern California but it doesn’t mean that it’s always a better choice. There are common problems that occur with this type of foundation as well including upheaval, cracking in the foundation, settlement, or even poor construction from the start due to a lack of preparation.

All foundations come with their pros and cons. It helps to understand the common foundation problems that exist so you can be on the lookout for them. If you look at our website on the right side of each page you’ll notice an additional resources section with a whole list of common foundation problems. Make sure to read through and educate yourself on what to look out for.

If you have any other questions about crawl space foundations, reach out to the team at FOUNDATIONS ON THE LEVEL today.

How to Dry Out Your Crawl Space

There are a handful of reasons that explains why your crawl space is holding moisture. The reasons range from the condensation of your A/C unit to an excess of rain or snowfall in your area. No matter how your crawl space got wet, it is an issue that should be dealt with quickly. Keeping your crawl space dry will keep mold and other fungi from growing in your home.

Reasons Why Your Crawl Space is Wet

Clogged gutters cause water to buildup around your foundation, leading to a wet crawlspace.

In many scenarios, a wet crawl space is caused by an excess of moisture in the air and groundwater around the perimeter of your home. As water enters the wood in your home the moisture in the air enters through vents. Both enter the insulation, which absorbs the moisture like a sponge.

Surface water that enters your crawl space is normally from roof drainage, gutters, or leaky windows. Groundwater can cause problems for a crawl space in a handful of ways. The soil around the foundation can become wetter after periods of heavy rain or snow. Water from the surrounding soil pushes against the walls of the foundation, eventually finding a way into your home. Plumbing issues is another common problem. A leak or a burst pipe, can have excess water come into the crawl space. Even if you have a vapor barrier in your crawl space, the water will sit on top of the liner until it evaporates.

Leaky or damaged downspouts lead to pooling water and this water can enter your crawlspace and make it wet.

Ways to Keep Your Crawl Space Dry

Here are the some ways to keep moisture out of a crawl space after water has entered the home. The first step is to clear the crawl space of any waste or wet material. This means any wet insulation that is there. After the debris is clear, you will want to check for any fungi that could be growing in your crawl space. Mold and fungus thrive in dark and damp environments, so a damp crawl space is a perfect place for bacteria to grow.

Next, you want to make sure you get rid of all puddles of water that is in the crawl space. The best way to get all the standing water out of your crawl space is using a sump pump or wet dry vaccum.

The next step is to get the rest of the moisture out of the crawl space. Using a dehumidifier will help dry out the air, and take care of any remaining moisture that may be present in your crawl space.

More Info

If you are having trouble keeping your crawl space dry, there may be a larger issue with your home’s foundation. That is where Foundation on the Level comes to help! If you need more information make sure you contact us!