An earthquake can be a scary event. Not only do you fear for you and your family’s safety, but worrying about the stability of your home when it’s all said and done can be a stressful task too. Earthquakes can make anyone feel powerless, but in this article, we will talk about how these events can affect your home and what you can do to fix your home afterward.
How Can Earthquakes Affect Your Home?
Foundation problems come from a shift in the soil below your home’s foundation, so you can see how an earthquake can do serious damage to the stability of a house. Living in California this is an ever-present problem. This is why it’s important to regularly check your home for signs of damage even after a small earthquake. A serious way that earthquakes can damage your home is by cracking your foundation. Smaller cracks may just be from normal aging of your home settling, but larger cracks that are wider than 1/4 inch are due to earth tremors. Especially horizontal cracks or cracks near windows and doors can indicate foundation movement. Cracks inside of your home might also be a sign of a foundation problem caused by an earthquake.

How To Fix Foundation Damage
If you find signs of a foundation problem in your home after a mild earthquake and you’re in the San Diego County and Orange County area contact us today. We are experts at all kinds of foundation repair to lift, stabilize, and support your foundation. Foundations On The Level can reverse any foundation problem while preventing future issues from happening. Call today to get a free quote and learn more about how we can repair earthquake-related problems in your home.