How Do Southern California’s Soils Affect Your Home’s Foundation?

Southern California has a diverse assortment of soils, from clays to sands, rockier mountain soils to silt in the valleys. Many of these soils have their own challenges for buildings, which could help determine if your home is going to experience foundation problems.

Cracked Basement Wall Foundation Repair

Clay Soils

Some areas of Southern California, including San Diego’s eastern suburbs, have soils with a high clay content. These soils can exhibit extreme shrink-swell cycles, heaving when wet and shrinking when dry. If these changes are happening to the soil beneath your home and haven’t been mitigated, it is likely going to impact your foundation, leading to differential settlement or heaving, depending upon the cycle. When that occurs, you will begin to see the signs of foundation failure, from doors and windows sticking to cracks forming in walls.

Sandy Soils

Sandy soils don’t expand like clay soils, so heaving should not be a problem. They are susceptible, however, to both erosion and compression under load. Both of these can lead to foundation settlement by creating conditions in which the soil is less able to support the weight of a building.

Silty Soils

Silty soils, common in areas such as historic riverbeds, have some of the same issues as clay soils. They have a tendency to retain water, making for poor drainage and opening the door to heaving. As they dry out, they also shrink, making the susceptible to foundation settlement.

Loamy Soils

Loam, a mixture of the above three soil types is the best to build upon because the composition reduces the downsides of all three. Loams with higher clay contents still can experience some shrink-swell issues, however.

Collapsible Soils

Collapsible soils are prone to hydroconsolidation, which basically means that they tend to collapse when they get wet enough. In areas with collapsible soils, steps should be taking to ensure that any collapse has taken place prior to building rather than afterward. Otherwise swift differential settlement with significant foundation problems is possible.

Are You Experiencing Foundation Problems in Southern California? Contact Foundations on the Level

At Foundations on the Level, we offer expert foundation repair services in San Diego and Orange counties. If your home is experiencing foundation problems, contact us today.

Are Cracks Around Windows & Doors Serious?

No one likes to see a crack in their wall, and cracks around doors and window frames are no different. At minimum, they detract from the look of your home. But regardless of cosmetic damage, the more important question is whether the cracks are signs of serious structural problems.

The answer, like so much with cracks around your home, is “It depends.”

A crack radiating from a window frame

Why Do Cracks Form Around Doors and Windows?

Many homes develop some measure of cracking over the years, and window and door frames are among the most common locations.

This is because the window or door frame had to be “cut out” of the wall, meaning the wood framing, block or other material doesn’t extend all the way from floor to ceiling. The window and door frames, therefore, represent weak points where cracks from stress caused by settlement or other issues is likely to occur.

Windows and door frames are also susceptible to problems caused by weather. Expansion and contraction from temperature changes and varying levels of humidity can also cause cracking.

Finally, the same problems that can cause issues in other portions of your wall can also cause them around doors. These include drywall installation problems and water damage.

How Can You Tell If a Crack is a Sign of Serious Structural Problems?

First let’s get one cause out of the way: Is there staining around the crack? If the wall is drywall, does it feel damp or soft. If so, water problems are the likely cause. Structural problems might or might not be contributing to the water getting into the walls, but either way, finding the source of the water and stopping it is crucial.

It is isn’t water, next turn your attention to the direction and size of the cracks. If the crack is just a hairline, it might be caused by settlement, but minor enough settlement not to constitute foundation problems. In these cases, properly patching the crack will likely be enough. Just watch to see if the cracks reopen or widen, because that is a sign of an ongoing problem.

Also, if the crack is in an exterior basement or foundation wall, ensure that the crack is properly filled, not just cosmetically covered up. That is key because these cracks can cause water problems rather than be caused by them. Foundations on the Level offers crack filling services in San Diego and Orange counties in California.

Cracks around doors and windows that indicate serious settlement and foundation problems are usually wider than a hairline and extend diagonally from the frame. Another test is to try the door or window itself. Doors and windows that stick and seem misaligned are a sign of foundation or structural problems.

How Do You Fix Cracks Around Doors Or Window Frames?

This depends on the severity. If the crack is just a surface level issue, implement a surface level, cosmetic fix, albeit one done the right way so the crack doesn’t reopen on its own.

If foundation problems are causing the cracks, however, repairing the cracks is only papering over the real problem. And that repair won’t last in most cases because the cracks will just reopen.

Instead, the foundation problems themselves must be dealt with. There is a good chance that your home needs underpinning. At Foundations on the Level, we employ push piers or helical piers to stabilize and level a building’s foundation permanently. Because while no one wants to need foundation repair, you really don’t want to need foundation repair twice.

Need Foundation Repairs in Southern California? Contact Foundations on the Level

If you think the cracks around your doors and windows might be foundation problems, contact the foundation pros at Foundations on the Level.

Can Earthquakes Damage Your Foundation?

An earthquake can be a scary event. Not only do you fear for you and your family’s safety, but worrying about the stability of your home when it’s all said and done can be a stressful task too. Earthquakes can make anyone feel powerless, but in this article, we will talk about how these events can affect your home and what you can do to fix your home afterward.

How Can Earthquakes Affect Your Home?

Foundation problems come from a shift in the soil below your home’s foundation, so you can see how an earthquake can do serious damage to the stability of a house. Living in California this is an ever-present problem. This is why it’s important to regularly check your home for signs of damage even after a small earthquake. A serious way that earthquakes can damage your home is by cracking your foundation. Smaller cracks may just be from normal aging of your home settling, but larger cracks that are wider than 1/4 inch are due to earth tremors. Especially horizontal cracks or cracks near windows and doors can indicate foundation movement. Cracks inside of your home might also be a sign of a foundation problem caused by an earthquake.

Foundations on The Level Foundation repair

How To Fix Foundation Damage

If you find signs of a foundation problem in your home after a mild earthquake and you’re in the San Diego County and Orange County area contact us today. We are experts at all kinds of foundation repair to lift, stabilize, and support your foundation. Foundations On The Level can reverse any foundation problem while preventing future issues from happening. Call today to get a free quote and learn more about how we can repair earthquake-related problems in your home.

How Do Drainage Issues Affect Your Foundation

Did you know that poor drainage can lead to foundation problems? Especially with your gutters, if it isn’t properly draining water away from your home it can lead to disaster.

Affecting Your Foundation

When water puddles around the outside of your home, this expands the soil around your home. An excessive amount of puddling around your home can lead to leaks and cracks in your foundation.

A broken downspout

A foundation supports the entire weight of your house. If it is compromised, you will start seeing more and more problems around your home. If gone too long without any repairs your home can be dangerous to be in.


A great solution for poor drainage around your home is gutter extensions. The best part of this solution is that these extensions aren’t terribly expensive. These gutters should run at least five feet from your house. This will give enough room for the water to properly drain away from your home.

Another great solution is regularly cleaning out your gutters. Gutters can often be filled with debris like leaves and twigs. Having too much material in your gutters will make draining much more difficult, leading to the gutters overflowing, not going down the downspout, and ending up by your foundation.

Things to Watch Out For

Some things you should watch out for that are common symptoms of poor drainage is; puddles, standing water, and mosquitoes.

More Info

If your having drainage or puddling problems that have led to a crack in your foundation make sure you contact Foundation on the Level! We have the experience and tools needed to repair your foundation.

Is Foundation Repair Covered By Insurance?

Is foundation repair covered by insurance?

When you find that your house has foundation damage, it can feel like a pricey chore. Not only will it require loads of work, but it can also be a big hit to your bank account. That is why it is important to know if a foundation repair is covered by homeowners insurance. When researching foundation repair this is one of the most searched topics when it comes to foundation repair.

To answer the question if foundation repairs are covered by homeowners insurance, unfortunately, the best answer we can give you is; it depends. The main factor that is dependent is the cause of the damage. 

Some reasons are easier to find than others. An obvious one could be some sort of weather-related damage, like flooding. Some not so obvious symptoms could be cracked walls and sticking doors and windows. To find the root problem you may need to call a foundation professional to find the source of the damage. They can also tell you the extent of your problem. Some common foundation issues are; Too much or too little moisture, faulty construction, tree root growth, plumbing leaks, soil movement, and many more. 

Insurance Coverage

The Coverage A section of your home insurance policy protects the structural part of your home, this includes a home’s foundation. Unfortunately, you only will get protection if the reason is specifically named in your policy. So if your foundation issue was caused by something listed in your policy, your insurer will likely help cover the bill for repairs. If not, you’re going to be on your own. Many policies cover; fire, vandalism, falling objects, water damage, windstorms, and explosions. 

Almost all home policies don’t include two of the natural disasters that can do the most damage; floods and earthquakes. If you live in an area where either of these disasters is common, it is recommended to buy a separate natural disaster policy to protect your home. Also, most home policies don’t offer foundation repair insurance when the foundation problem results from wear and tear. Many Insurers say that it’s the home owner’s responsibility to maintain the home.


One way to make sure your home is protected is to stay up to date on home inspections. This will make sure you are ahead of any damage and keep repair prices low. If you need a quality contractor or have any questions contact us! At Foundations on the Level we are foundation repair experts.

Common Slab Foundation Repair

There are so many reasons why your slab foundation might need repairs. In this article, we’ll talk about common problems homeowners have with their foundation and some ways to repair these problems.


One common slab foundation problem is the disruption in the slab. This can create complications that consist of uneven floors and walls, and tilting countertops. The best solution for this problem is to have a contractor come take a look at your foundation to determine the cause.

Another problem is foundation cracks. They harm slabs made of concrete and may cause your foundation to separate at the joints. Obstacles commonly include gaps that are relatively small, although they can become larger if not fixed quickly. The one way to fix this is to install concrete piers.

Another common problem homeowners have is settling and sinking slabs.  These are both signals that your foundation is moving and damage is occurring. Common causes of shifting in your foundation can be soil and water. Ways to fix this problem is to install additional foundation piers. This has been an issue all through the 1900s and is still affecting houses built today.

Piers also could have shifted. Concrete or steel piers can both collapse over a period of time can create a dilemma. After all, it would be most unusual for them to last forever. You’ll want to make sure your foundation piers and slab are both secure. Robust foundations rarely fail for no good reason. They’ve improved in the past 30 years.

The last problem is poorly made foundationsPoorly made concrete foundations can cause slabs severe harm if the concrete was not poured thick enough. A thin concrete slab will not support a foundation because of the weight of the house. The best solution is to have your foundation inspected by an experienced contractor who can make your structure last. It’s important that it be made correctly.

More Info

If you are looking for a professional foundation repair company don’t look any further! Here at Foundations on the Level, we strongly believe in quality customer service and treat every home as if it was our own. Our specialists will work directly with you to analyze the unique problems that your home is facing and come up with the best solution for your needs and budget. We have established a fantastic reputation within Orange County & San Diego County for foundation repair, slab releveling, retaining walls, and more. Contact us for a free estimate!

Does Your Foundation Need More Maintenance?

Almost every homeowner has the never-ending task of maintaining their home. It seems like there is always something that needs to be fixed somewhere around the house. Having regular maintenance can protect the life of your home. When it comes to maintenance around the home’s foundation, people don’t give it the time or care it needs until it’s too late. Knowing how to properly take care of a foundation will help prolong its life, keep your home safe, and save you money.

Ways to Maintain a Foundation

regular maintenance checks on your foundation as well as an inspection if you suspect a problem, are essential to your foundation's health.

One way to keep your foundation in good health is to maintain drainage around your home. Avoiding water pooling near your home is a good way to protect your foundation. One way to avoid pooling is to make sure your gutters and downspouts are properly draining. This will keep any added unwanted moisture away from your home.

Another way to maintain your foundation is to water the soil around your house. During droughts and dry seasons during the year, the soil gets too dry. Soil that is too dry will shrink and will pull away from a home’s foundation. This will cause the foundation to shift and settle.

Regularly looking for cracks around your home is another way to stay on top of any repairs. Finding new cracks on the walls can be a sign that the foundation may be compromised. If the walls are damaged they should be looked at by a professional.

What’s the Damage?

If any damage is found it is important that you don’t wait to have the foundation looked at by a professional. Even if you do all these tips there is still a chance that damages may occur. If you see these damages around your home contact us with any inquiries or questions that you may have.

Why Are Your Porch Steps Pulling Away From Your Stoop?

It’s Time to Take a Closer Look at Your Porches, Patios, and Steps.

porch steps pulling away from a porch
Cracked porch steps pulling away from stoop.

It is nearly here: Spring. This is a time when we tend to start spending even more time outside. It is also a good time to step out and take a closer look at your porches, patios, and steps. Have you noticed anything that raises your eyebrows? If you have issues such as the porch pulling away from your stoop, or new or worsening cracks or voids in your landings or stairs, you may be experiencing foundation failure. At Foundations on the Level, we can help you identify these issues, their causes, and offer foundation repair solutions to solve the problem

What Causes Porch Steps to Pull Away?

Foundation issues are caused by the moisture levels in the soil around homes and businesses. If the soil has a lot of moisture, It will expand. If it becomes dry, it will then shrink back up. As a result, the foundation will shift, and settle resulting in the porch steps pulling away from the stoop, or will cause cracks to form or worsen. During the spring months in Southern California, it is typical to see a mix of rainy and dry conditions so fluctuations in the soil can be expected.

When is it Time to Call a Professional?

Have you discovered that your porch steps are pulling away from your stoop? It may be time to give the professionals at Foundations on the Level a call. If you have new or worsening issues, it is cause for concern and you may be experiencing foundation failure. Foundations on the Level has just the right expertise, equipment, and products to guarantee you a stable foundation that will last for many years. We specialize in installing resistance piers and helical piles to raise and steady your foundation. All of our products are manufactured by Earth Contact Products. ECP is the number one manufacturing company in the foundation repair industry. 

Start With a Free Inspection of Your Foundation including Your Porch, Patio, and Stairs.

Foundations on the Level offers property owners a free inspection with a report so that you know for sure that you are getting the right foundation repair for your home or business.  If you gave your porch, patio, and stairs a closer look this spring, and would like to find out about a free inspection, contact us today at 760-889-8150.

Do You Know the Signs of Foundation Settlement? (Video)

Do you know the signs of foundation problems related to settlement? Knowing the signs can save you money in the long run. Foundation repairs are much less expensive than foundation replacement. Sticking doors or windows, drywall cracks, interior or exterior cracks in the foundation, countertops pulling away from the wall or your chimney pulling away from the home are all indicators of foundation settlement and could be a serious issue.

If you are a homeowner with any of these issues contact Foundations on the Level for a free estimate today. 

Read more – Article: Solutions for Foundation Settlement

Understanding Foundation Cracks and Knowing When to Repair Them

understanding foundation cracks

The best way to know how to repair foundation cracks is to understand why they happened in the first place. In this post we’re outlining the different types of cracks, how they form, and letting you know when they need to be repaired. In some cases, cracks in your foundation aren’t always a cause for concern.

Types of Foundation Cracks

Hairline Cracks

These nonstructural foundation cracks are generally vertical, and aren’t a cause for concern. These cracks include settlement cracks and shrinkage cracks. They are generally less than 1/32″ in width.

Especially in new construction homes, some cracking from settling is normal, and to be expected. More serious settlement can cause larger cracks, but so long as the cracks remain hairline, they aren’t a cause for concern.

Shrinkage cracks appear within the first few years of the home being built due to stress caused by the concrete shrinking as it dries. These are common and aren’t structural in nature. On their own, shrinkage cracks aren’t a cause for concern.

Vertical Cracks

These types of cracks run straight up and down, or within 30 degrees of vertical. Vertical cracks in walls usually appear due to concrete shrinkage if you have a newer home.

Even if your home isn’t new construction and vertical cracks appear, they are not usually a structural issue. However, over time, this type of crack will allow for water and insects to easily enter your home.

You will want to watch for any moisture, or a rusty looking discoloration in or near the crack. To repair a vertical crack, or make it water-tight, we will use a high-density polyurethane foam to fill in any gaps and voids within the concrete. In some cases, we will use other waterproofing methods throughout the rest of the basement if needed.

Diagonal Cracks

Diagonal cracks are often caused by differential settling of the foundation. Differential settling can happen at any time, whether the house is new or old. This type of settling is caused by a change in the ground conditions underneath the footings, which is why one end of the crack will generally be larger than the other.

They are often harmless, but not always. The most troublesome type of diagonal crack isn’t really a diagonal crack at all. Stair-step cracks in brick or concrete block foundation walls can indicate serious structural issues.

If it is just a hairline, and it doesn’t grow, it probably isn’t structural. Larger stair-step cracks, however, should be looked at by a foundation repair professional, as should other diagonal cracks that are growing or change direction.

Diagonal cracks, assuming they are not structural in nature, can be repaired using the same method we mentioned earlier. However, with diagonal cracks, more foam is typically needed to account for additional future movement.

Horizontal Cracks

A horizontal crack in the foundation is a structural concern. Horizontal cracks are a sign that your foundation might be failing.

Sometimes this is because the damaged foundation can no longer withstand the pressure and weight of the structure. These cracks will appear on load-bearing foundation walls, and develop below grade.

Other times, horizontal cracks in a below-grade foundation wall could be caused by hydrostatic pressure from water-logged soil pressing inward on the wall. If the pressure becomes more than the wall can bear, it will begin to bow inward and crack horizontally.

Tip: Monitor Your Foundation Cracks

If you notice new cracks in your foundation, especially if your home isn’t new, don’t simply write them off as unimportant and forget about them.

Instead, monitor them monthly for growth.

A growing hairline crack, at minimum, might eventually need to be filled to prevent water infiltration.

Also, while vertical and diagonal cracks generally aren’t big deals structurally, there are exceptions (like if you have multiple horizontal cracks in a small area). Monitoring the length and width of these cracks can give you a better idea on if the cracking is minor or if there is an on-going issue causing the damage.

Fixing Structural Foundation Cracks

If you have horizontal or stair-step cracks, you will eventually need to fix to them the same way as the vertical or diagonal cracks.

It does no good, however, to seal them when the underlying problem isn’t fixed. The cracks will just open up again, and other problems caused by the structural issues will only continue to grow.

If unstable soil beneath your home is the culprit, you might need foundation underpinning, where a professional foundation contractor installs a piering system that extends down to a load-bearing strata of soil.

If hydrostatic pressure is making your foundation wall bow, helical tiebacks or plate anchors might be in order, anchoring the wall in the soil outside to provide a counteracting force.

These repairs won’t fix the cracks. That requires an epoxy or foam injection or some other true crack repair method. These fixes will, however, remove the stresses that were causing the cracks to grow in the first place, allowing any cracks repairs to provide long-term benefits.

When In Doubt, Contact a Foundation Crack Repair Professional

All of the information listed here is general, and not all cracks are created equal. If you notice a crack growing or if you are experiencing other symptoms that might point to deeper foundation issues, don’t hesitate to contact a reputable foundation repair company. If all you need is crack filler, we’ll tell you that.

Foundation issues aren’t something to mess around with. It is better to be safe and have the peace of mind that everything is good than to let a potential problem fester.

For any of your foundation crack concerns and foundation repairs needs, contact us for a free quote.

How to Find a Foundation Repair Company in San Diego

Our homes are usually our biggest investments. They protect our belongings and shelter our loved ones. When there is a foundation problem, it can affect the rest of the house. If you are in need of a foundation repair company in San Diego, we are here to help.

How to find a foundation repair company if you need foundation repairs in San Diego

Discovering you have a foundation problem can be scary, but if you have the right contractor, the process can be a little less frightening. Ignoring the problem won’t make it go away and it won’t heal itself. The longer the problem goes, the more money and time it will take to repair your home.

A small problem can turn into a big problem. It’s better to have the original issue repaired before it turns into a larger structural issue.

What Does a Foundation Repair Contractor Do?

If you’re going to hire a foundation repair contractor to work on your San Diego home, it makes sense that you would want to know what they do. You must educate yourself so that you know whether a contractor is trustworthy or trying to scam you.

A good foundation contractor can handle most any repair that has to deal with foundation problems. For example, they can repair floor and wall cracks, lift sunken slabs, and repair brick or concrete walls.

When they are done repairing your concrete, your misaligned doors and windows should be back to normal, cracks should no longer be leaking, and floors should be level.

If the foundation contractor is reliable, they’ll not only repair any damage but fix the cause of the problems. It doesn’t do any good to patch a crack if the foundation is going to continue to settle and cause more damage.

What to Look For in a Reliable Foundation Contractor in San Diego

Before we get too far into how to select a good foundation repair company, let’s get one thing out of the way. Don’t hire a company based solely on them having the lowest bid. Your home’s stability is not the place to cut corners.

If a contractor’s bid seems too good to be true, it probably is. If a contractor cuts costs through cheap materials, taking shortcuts, or not taking all the necessary steps for a complete repair, you and your family could be in danger. A trustworthy and honest contractor will be upfront with the costs and show you why their bid is the way it is.

Here are some other things to look for when shopping for a foundation contractor in the San Diego area.

Customizes the Solution to Your Situation

An honest contractor will inspect your property and provide you with a solution and estimate. (Most good ones will provide this service for free.) Once they inspect your foundation they will determine what is causing the problem and the best way to fix it.

If you tell a contractor that your home has foundation problems and they tell you what the solution is, move on to the next company. There are different ways to take care of foundation issues. Your home may need resistance or helical piers, wall anchors, or slab leveling, depending on the situation.

If the wrong solution is used, you may have even bigger problems in the future. One-size-fits-all does not work for foundation repairs.

Uses Quality Foundation Repair Products

At Foundations on the Level, we utilize American Made foundation products of the highest quality from Earth Contact Products, also known as ECP. ECP’s foundation repair solutions such as helical piers, helical anchors, push piers, and more, have shown over time to be strong, reliable, and long lasting. When you know that the workmanship and the products are both top notch, you know you will be able to breath a sigh of relief when the job is done.

Provides a Good Warranty

If you do your homework, you will probably hire a reliable contractor that does good work. That doesn’t, however, mean you shouldn’t protect yourself. A good contractor will offer a warranty that covers the work done. The contractor doesn’t want to do repairs for free, so by offering a warranty, they are showing that they have confidence in their work.

A good warranty shows that the contractor stands behind their work and wants you to be confident in your repairs.

Experience, Skill, and Knowledge

The most important things a contractor can bring to a repair aren’t tools or products. The experience, skill, and knowledge of their workers play a big part in how the repair is going to go. The contractor must know a lot of technical information to make sure the repair matches what your building needs.

When looking at foundation repair contractors in the San Diego area, look at how long they’ve been in business. Companies that have been around for a long time, not only must have satisfied customers, but they’ve experienced and worked with just about any situation you can imagine.

Choose the Right Foundation Repair Company in San Diego

The more you know about your foundation and home, the better prepared you will be when talking with potential contractors. A good foundation repair contractor will work with you from beginning to end, keeping you informed about what has happened, what is being done, and what to expect next.

FOUNDATIONS ON THE LEVEL would like to be your foundation repair contractor. However, we also want you to be comfortable with your decision. We’re confident in our work and reputation and welcome you to look at all of your options. We think you’ll be happy working with us and satisfied with the results.

Contact us today to learn more about foundation repair for your San Diego home.

Landslides and Foundation Problems

landslidesCalifornia has been no stranger to weird weather and other natural occurrences this last year. After wildfires have removed most of the plant life protecting the earth from erosion, record-breaking rainfalls have been taking place. Landslides and other disasters have occurred throughout the state.

This mixture of events can cause a lot of problems for roads and structures around the area. The slides can consist of rockfalls, mudflows, slope failures, and more and can happen anywhere there is a slope gradient, it doesn’t have to be steep, just enough for gravity and momentum to do their thing.

Extreme Damage Caused by Slides

Slides can be tremendous forces of nature, destroying roads, moving vehicles, and leveling buildings. The slide can also pick up trees, objects, and debris, causing damage and blocking waterways which can result in flooding. Mudflows in Southern California in 2018 caused an estimated $177 million in property damage, $7 million in emergency responses, and $43 million in clean up costs, in addition to causing 21 reported deaths and over 150 people being hospitalized.

Landslides and Your Home

Your home may be strong and the foundation stable, but if a landslide were to occur, your house may be in danger. FOUNDATIONS ON THE LEVEL can help protect your home and repair any damage that may occur from a landslide or mudflow.

Foundation Repair

ECP resistance piers raising foundationAny type of movement of the earth around your home can damage the foundation. A settling or sunken foundation can lead to structural damage throughout the house. The landslide can remove support from one side of your home or exert great pressure on another side.

You may notice cracks, bowing walls, and other signs of foundation problems after a slide. Don’t waste any time having it inspected. The stability of your entire home depends on having a strong foundation. Make sure that a reliable foundation contractor examines your property and you follow through with any suggestions that they may make.

Slab Leveling

slab levelingNot every landslide causes foundation problems, sometimes it may just disturb your concrete slabs. Your driveway, sidewalk, or patio can be pushed out of place or sink.

An uneven slab is not only ugly, but it can be a tripping hazard or not allow water to drain correctly. Water may flow towards your home or cause the soil under the slab to erode, leading to more problems.

FOUNDATIONS ON THE LEVEL can make sure that your slab is level and safe through the application of polyurethane foam. The foam will expand, raising the slab to the desired level and sealing the bottom from any water infiltration. Protect your home and guests from an uneven slab.

Crack Repair

floor crack repair orange countyIf the earth around your home moves, you may notice cracks in floors, walls, and ceilings. There are two kinds of cracks: structural and settlement cracks. You can look for cracks and monitor if they are growing. If you are at all concerned about a crack, you must contact a reputable foundation contractor like FOUNDATIONS ON THE LEVEL.

One of the problems with cracks is that, if you aren’t knowledgeable about their cause or what they can do, you have no idea if it is something cosmetic or a sign of future foundation collapse. However, even if a crack isn’t a structural issue, it can allow water and pests to enter your home. You must have the cracks taken care of.

Retaining Wall Repair

retaining wall repairYour retaining wall has one job: to keep the earth on the other side of the wall in place. If a landslide occurs, it can cause the retaining wall to lean or bow, or in a worst-case scenario, to even fail.

FOUNDATIONS ON THE LEVEL can keep your retaining wall strong and stable. Through the use of helical tiebacks, a leaning retaining wall can be pulled back and be stronger than ever.

A retaining wall protects your property, so make sure that you take care of it!

Foundations on the Level and Slides

There is only so much you can do to try and tame Mother Nature, sometimes she will just do what she wants. Let FOUNDATIONS ON THE LEVEL help you keep your property safe before or after a landslide.

free inspections

Contact us today to learn more about all the services we offer in Orange County and the surrounding area.

Do Not Sit On Foundation Repairs

If you’re like most people, you prioritize your home repairs by severity, price, and other factors. A leaking pipe may take priority over a crack in the wall. While one does constitute an emergency, the crack is no less a danger to your home’s stability.

All homes do settle over time and cracks may happen. You may take a “wait and see” approach to cracks in the foundation, but this isn’t a problem you want to wait on.

kitten sitting on its haunches

Why Shouldn’t You Wait for Foundation Repairs?

Your foundation is easily the most important part of your home. It keeps your building stable and safe and should be kept strong. It probably doesn’t seem like a little crack could cause much trouble, but you might be surprised. The foundation is probably not going to completely fail from one or two cracks, but the damage can begin and accelerate quickly. Cracks can allow water in, damaging your home and further weakening your foundation walls.

Problems Can Compound

As we said earlier, homes settle all the time, however, if you have some damage already, this motion can cause more problems. As the temperatures of the seasons change, the house will usually sink in the summer and rise in the winter. Foundations can crack more and plumbing can break or leak.

Other things that can happen to a home with a weakened foundation includes sticking doors and windows, sloping floors, cracks in other portions of the home, and more. All of these problems can cause issues and dangers around the home.

More Time, More Damage, More Money

The longer you wait to fix a foundation problem the more time it will take, the more damage it can cause, and the more money it will cost to repair. No one wants to spend money on home repairs, but if you wait to repair the foundation it will cost more in labor and material costs, in addition to there probably being a bigger problem to remedy.

If you are looking to sell your home or do major home improvements, you will want to get foundation repairs done ASAP. Repairs will become more complicated and costly, as time goes on.

Foundations on the Level

It is a good idea to at least have a foundation repair expert (like FOUNDATIONS ON THE LEVEL) to inspect your property and give you a free estimate.

free inspections

FOUNDATIONS ON THE LEVEL is here to help you with all of your foundation repair needs. We want you to have a strong and stable home. Contact us today to learn more about all the services we offer.