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Foundation Repair, Concrete Leveling, Retaining Wall Repair & More in Dana Point, Ca
At Foundations on the Level, we are proud to offer an array of repair services in Dana Point and throughout San Diego and Orange counties. Click below to find out more about one of the array of repair services that our team of specialists offers.
Foundation Repair Solutions We Offer in Dana Point
The professionals at Foundations on the Level are the ones to call if you need expert foundation repair services in Southern California.
What Causes Foundation Failure?
There are several causes of foundation damage, but perhaps the most common is weakness in the soil beneath the home. If the soil is weak, your home will likely begin to sink into the ground. The weakness in the soil could be caused by any number of factors. The soil might not have been properly compacted before building. Tree roots decaying or other organic activity could lead to voids beneath the soil. Erosion could form voids as well, and if you have soils with significant shrink/swell cycles (shrink when dry, swell when wet), it could also lead to shifting of your foundation/
Seismic activity can also cause your foundation to move out of place.
In any of these cases, it isn't just the movement of the foundation but also the likelihood that the movement isn't uniform. This is called differential settlement. If different portions of your foundation settle different amounts, it not only places stress on your foundation, it can also throw your entire house out of alignment, leading to some of the problems described below.
Signs of Foundation Problems
- Cracks in floors or walls
- Sticking windows or doors or gaps around the frames
- Masonry pulling away from walls
- Bowing or leaning walls
If you discover any of these problems in your home, call Foundations on the Level. One of our professionals will come to your Dana Point home and provide you with a no-cost inspection. We will go over the report with you and come up with the best solution for your individual situation.
How We Fix Foundations
There is no one-size-fits-all foundation repair solutions, but in most cases that involve foundation settlement, we recommend foundation underpinning with steel piers
With underpinning, either push piers or helical piers are sunk down into the soil until they hit either a load bearing strata of soil or bedrock. The piers are attached to the home's footing and, after the home is returned to level hydraulically and load testing completed, we transfer the load of the home onto the piers rather than the soil underneath it. Whether we use helical piers, which resemble giant screws, or push piers depends on a number of factors including bedrock depth, but regardless, our top-quality underpinning products can amply support the weight of your home.
Concrete Leveling & Lifting Services
Homes foundations aren't the only thing that can be damaged from settlement. Concrete slabs are also prone to sinking slightly into the earth, causing cracking and producing trip hazards as it does so. When this occurs, there are only two ways to fix the issue. The first is to get an entirely new concrete slab. This is costly and time consuming. And if you don't take precautions, the next slab could end up sinking and cracking just like the previous one.
The other solution is concrete leveling. With concrete leveling, a substance is injected underneath the slab, raising it back to level. While this won't eliminate the cracks, it will prevent new ones and keep the old ones from being trip hazards because of elevation changes on either side of the crack.
When it comes to concrete lifting, you generally have two options. The first is the old standby mudjacking, where a cement slurry is used to lift the concrete.
At Foundations on the Level, however, we opt to use an expanding polyurethane foam to lift concrete slabs. The foam gives a longer-lasting repair than mudjacking, and is light enough that it can compact the soil through expansion without further weighing down the soil to the extent that the cement slurry does.
Where Can Concrete Leveling Be Used?
We can do concrete leveling on pretty much any of your standard concrete slabs including:
- Driveways
- Sidewalks
- Garage slabs
- Porches
- Pool decks
- Stoops
How Does Concrete Leveling Work?
After first determining where foam needs to be injected, our team will drill a small, dime-sized hole in the slab. We then use an injection gun to inject the foam beneath the concrete, simultaneously compacting the soil while hydraulically lifting the slab back to level. We carefully monitor the progress to prevent an over-lift and, once it is done, clean up any excess foam and plug the hole in the slab.
And, thanks to a 15-minute curing time, your slab will basically be ready to use by the time our clean up is done.
Retaining Wall Repair Services
Retaining walls are a common feature in the Southern California landscape, with many being structurally necessary along with those that are part of landscaping features. Whatever the reason, though, it is important to keep the retaining wall in good condition.
If the pressure being exerted from the soil behind the retaining wall is causing it to crack or lean, it is time to seek a solution.
We repair and strengthen retaining walls by using that very soil to counteract the force. We install helical tiebacks, which are steel rods with helical plates attached, giving them the look of large screws. The tiebacks are screwed into the soil behind the retaining wall and attached to the wall's front with a plate. By anchoring the wall deep in the soil it is better able to withstand the forces pushing against it.
Crack Repair & Retaining Wall Support in Dana Point, CA
With our years of experience combined with our top quality tools and equipment, the repair services you get at Foundations on the Level are hard to beat. When it comes to crack repair, we utilize ROKLIN Dual Component Epoxy. This product seals and welds cracks closed with incredible strength. After the sealant has cured, we then stitch the repaired crack with FORTRESS Carbon Fiber Staples every 18 inches. This method will permanently seal your cracks and you will never know that they were even there!
It is very important for cracks to be repaired as you notice them because they only get worse over time. Cracks in your walls, floors, or ceiling can allow water to enter your home, and they can also act as an entrance for insects and pests. If you have any cracks in your home, contact Foundations on the Level immediately.
Need to Find a Foundation Repair Contractor Near You? Contact Foundations on the Level
For all of your home repair needs in Dana Point, CA, be sure to contact Foundations on the Level. We are your number one option for Southern California foundation repair, retaining wall support, slab leveling, and crack mending. We are proud of the great reputation we have earned for our unmatched customer service and competitive rates. Don't hesitate to call us today!