When To Repair or Replace Your Cracked Concrete

repair or replace foundation cracks

We’ve all seen cracked concrete that looks a little worse for wear, but sometimes it is hard to distinguish whether to repair or replace your damaged concrete.

While concrete is extremely durable, over time it will wear down. When homeowners see signs of damage in their driveway or walkways, they might think it’s time to replace them. But that’s not always the case. 

Concrete repair is a great way to revitalize your slabs, but how do you know if you should be repairing or replacing?

What Damages Your Concrete?

While there are a multitude of reasons why your concrete is damaged, here are some of the most common reasons:

Changing of The Seasons

Concrete’s number one enemy is the weather. Especially a dramatic change in weather. Temperature changes can cause concrete to expand and contract.

In warm weather, concrete expands, and when it cools, it shrinks. When concrete contracts and expands, the joints and cracks widen, collecting debris. Then, once it gets warm and the concrete will expand, causing the concrete to shift.

Soil Types

Your concrete slabs often were poured over areas of fill. And that fill, even if it was compacted very well, is not as stable as the native soils below.

So when fill soils consolidate and settle, voids form under the concrete slab. And eventually, that slab cracks and falls into these voids.


Concrete is a giant sponge. When it rains, concrete’s pores absorb every ounce of water. And when the sun comes out, the water evaporates.

This constant absorption and evaporation cycle causes spider-cracking at the concrete’s surface.

Should I Repair or Replace My Concrete?


  • Cracks – Cracks in concrete can be caused by freeze-thaw cycles, poor construction, and age. NexusPro is easily used to fill and seal cracks and control joints. Learn about our crack repair services.
  • Settled and unlevel slabs – Settled concrete is most likely occurring because of poor soil conditions. And settled concrete can be a huge safety issue and tripping hazard. Luckily, these are easily fixed with PolyLevel. Learn about our slab repair services.
  • Sunken steps – Front stoops and concrete steps sink and settle over time. But fortunately, they can be leveled, filled, and sealed to prolong their life. 


  • If your concrete is older than 30 years – Concrete that experiences a lot of wear-and-tear (like sidewalks and driveways) has a lifespan of about 25-50 years. Repairing does help prolong the concrete’s life cycle. But suppose your concrete is already up there in age and not looking so good. In that case, a full replacement might be the better option and a good investment in your property.
  • Deep cracks and large potholes – The rule of thumb is that if your concrete is sinking more than 8”, it makes more sense to replace it.
  • Poorly installed base – Sometimes, your concrete issues come down to how it was installed, and no amount of repairs can solve that problem. 

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Concrete Leveling Using Polyurethane Foam

Permanently Level and Stabilize Your Concrete This Spring

Springtime is often the time of year that homeowners look to complete home improvements and repairs. As you inspect your home, have you noticed uneven or sinking concrete slabs? Or an increased number of cracks? Foundations on the Level offers a solution to concrete leveling using polyurethane foam. The great news is that using polyurethane foam may permanently level and stabilize your concrete slabs!

An example of a concrete driveway that would benefit from polyurethane concrete leveling.
Example of cracked and sunken concrete

Best in the Industry for Concrete Leveling

In today’s industry, one of the leading solutions for concrete leveling and repair is polymer foam. At Foundations on the Level, we use Accella Polyurethane Systems for their Low-Density Water Blown Spray Foam. This foam spray is developed to meet all slab raising needs while replacing existing blowing agents with zero ozone-depleting solvents. This makes the foam a highly desirable solution as a result due to its environmental friendliness. Accella has overcome a major industry problem by creating this highly stable water-blown spray foam

How Polyurethane Foam Works

In order to fix your slab and raise it back to its original position, Foundations on the Level will evaluate your slab to identify the areas that need the polymer foam applied. Your concrete leveling professional will drill a small hole in the concrete in that area and inject the polymer foam, causing the concrete to rise to its original level. To see this process in action, watch this video.

This Spring, Consider Concrete Leveling With Polyurethane Foam

Foundations on the Level has the knowledge and tools to fix your slab and raise it back to its original position. We offer a free inspection and report for property owners so you can be confident in our expertise. The investment you have in your home or business with our concrete slab repair services. If you are interested in concrete leveling using polyurethane foam, call us today at 760-889-8150

Foundation Crack Repair

Foundation cracks are one of the most common problems homeowners face when it comes to foundation issues. Not all foundation cracks are a sign of serious issues, but all but the smallest probably should be repaired in order to prevent the cracks from causing other issues.

Foundations on the Level specializes in foundation crack repair and foundation slab leveling. If you are a homeowner and are experiencing cracks in your foundation, give us a call to schedule a free inspection. 

foundation cracks and foundation crack repair

Why do Foundation Cracks Form?

Foundation cracks can happen for a variety of reasons, the majority of them stemming from natural causes.

In some cases, hairline cracks will occur as the concrete shrinks while drying. In other cases the normal small amount of settlement for a new home will spur small vertical or diagonal cracks.

Other causes of cracking, however, are more structurally concerning.

Our California climate is great for enjoying the outdoors, but it’s tough on foundations. Dry soil conditions mean that the soil surrounding the foundation often cracks and crumbles. 

In the event that we do experience rain, the soil quickly soaks up the water and expands. Cracks in the soil can allow for water to flow near the home’s foundation, which causes the soil to move. When the soil surrounding your home is displaced, the structural support is taken away. This causes the foundation to sink, settle, and eventually crack. 

Foundation Cracks Can Be Repaired

Although cracks in your foundation are a concern, unless the foundation is literally crumbling, most foundation cracks can be repaired. The majority of cracks aren’t structural, but they can lead to structural problems if they aren’t repaired properly, and in a timely manner. 

In order to repair foundation cracks, we will need to inspect and assess your home’s foundation, as well as the soil conditions surrounding your home. Upon inspection, we will be able to diagnose your foundation problems, and come up with a solution!

Different Foundation Cracks Call for Different Repair Methods

For some foundation cracks, professionally filling the crack will be enough. In these cases, the cracks aren’t structural and the concerns are mostly the damage that could be caused by the crack itself. Filling these cracks correctly will prevent water and pests from infiltrating through your foundation walls.

Structural cracks are a different issue.

Simply repairing and filling a structural foundation crack is not a long-term repair solution because this option doesn’t solve or address the underlying cause, whether it is lack of support for the foundation or hydrostatic pressure pushing in on the walls. If anything, you may even notice more cracks or worsening conditions in a few years.

Once we have determined that a crack is structural and what is causing it, we can begin to put together a solution to repair your foundation. There are many different types of foundation repair methods out there, and the best approach is going to be determined by the initial problem you are having. In order to effectively repair structural foundation cracks, and prevent them from happening in the future, we have to address the underlying problems. 

Contact Foundations on the Level for Foundation Crack Repair in Southern California

We understand that no two foundations are alike. That’s why we offer a personalized approach to foundation repair throughout our San Diego and Orange County service area. Whether you are experiencing a small foundation crack, or are struggling with something more serious, we’re confident that we can work with you to come up with a customized solution to fit your needs and budget. Give us a call today to schedule an inspection!

Understanding Foundation Cracks and Knowing When to Repair Them

understanding foundation cracks

The best way to know how to repair foundation cracks is to understand why they happened in the first place. In this post we’re outlining the different types of cracks, how they form, and letting you know when they need to be repaired. In some cases, cracks in your foundation aren’t always a cause for concern.

Types of Foundation Cracks

Hairline Cracks

These nonstructural foundation cracks are generally vertical, and aren’t a cause for concern. These cracks include settlement cracks and shrinkage cracks. They are generally less than 1/32″ in width.

Especially in new construction homes, some cracking from settling is normal, and to be expected. More serious settlement can cause larger cracks, but so long as the cracks remain hairline, they aren’t a cause for concern.

Shrinkage cracks appear within the first few years of the home being built due to stress caused by the concrete shrinking as it dries. These are common and aren’t structural in nature. On their own, shrinkage cracks aren’t a cause for concern.

Vertical Cracks

These types of cracks run straight up and down, or within 30 degrees of vertical. Vertical cracks in walls usually appear due to concrete shrinkage if you have a newer home.

Even if your home isn’t new construction and vertical cracks appear, they are not usually a structural issue. However, over time, this type of crack will allow for water and insects to easily enter your home.

You will want to watch for any moisture, or a rusty looking discoloration in or near the crack. To repair a vertical crack, or make it water-tight, we will use a high-density polyurethane foam to fill in any gaps and voids within the concrete. In some cases, we will use other waterproofing methods throughout the rest of the basement if needed.

Diagonal Cracks

Diagonal cracks are often caused by differential settling of the foundation. Differential settling can happen at any time, whether the house is new or old. This type of settling is caused by a change in the ground conditions underneath the footings, which is why one end of the crack will generally be larger than the other.

They are often harmless, but not always. The most troublesome type of diagonal crack isn’t really a diagonal crack at all. Stair-step cracks in brick or concrete block foundation walls can indicate serious structural issues.

If it is just a hairline, and it doesn’t grow, it probably isn’t structural. Larger stair-step cracks, however, should be looked at by a foundation repair professional, as should other diagonal cracks that are growing or change direction.

Diagonal cracks, assuming they are not structural in nature, can be repaired using the same method we mentioned earlier. However, with diagonal cracks, more foam is typically needed to account for additional future movement.

Horizontal Cracks

A horizontal crack in the foundation is a structural concern. Horizontal cracks are a sign that your foundation might be failing.

Sometimes this is because the damaged foundation can no longer withstand the pressure and weight of the structure. These cracks will appear on load-bearing foundation walls, and develop below grade.

Other times, horizontal cracks in a below-grade foundation wall could be caused by hydrostatic pressure from water-logged soil pressing inward on the wall. If the pressure becomes more than the wall can bear, it will begin to bow inward and crack horizontally.

Tip: Monitor Your Foundation Cracks

If you notice new cracks in your foundation, especially if your home isn’t new, don’t simply write them off as unimportant and forget about them.

Instead, monitor them monthly for growth.

A growing hairline crack, at minimum, might eventually need to be filled to prevent water infiltration.

Also, while vertical and diagonal cracks generally aren’t big deals structurally, there are exceptions (like if you have multiple horizontal cracks in a small area). Monitoring the length and width of these cracks can give you a better idea on if the cracking is minor or if there is an on-going issue causing the damage.

Fixing Structural Foundation Cracks

If you have horizontal or stair-step cracks, you will eventually need to fix to them the same way as the vertical or diagonal cracks.

It does no good, however, to seal them when the underlying problem isn’t fixed. The cracks will just open up again, and other problems caused by the structural issues will only continue to grow.

If unstable soil beneath your home is the culprit, you might need foundation underpinning, where a professional foundation contractor installs a piering system that extends down to a load-bearing strata of soil.

If hydrostatic pressure is making your foundation wall bow, helical tiebacks or plate anchors might be in order, anchoring the wall in the soil outside to provide a counteracting force.

These repairs won’t fix the cracks. That requires an epoxy or foam injection or some other true crack repair method. These fixes will, however, remove the stresses that were causing the cracks to grow in the first place, allowing any cracks repairs to provide long-term benefits.

When In Doubt, Contact a Foundation Crack Repair Professional

All of the information listed here is general, and not all cracks are created equal. If you notice a crack growing or if you are experiencing other symptoms that might point to deeper foundation issues, don’t hesitate to contact a reputable foundation repair company. If all you need is crack filler, we’ll tell you that.

Foundation issues aren’t something to mess around with. It is better to be safe and have the peace of mind that everything is good than to let a potential problem fester.

For any of your foundation crack concerns and foundation repairs needs, contact us for a free quote.

Concrete Slab Repair

leveling out concrete, slab repair

Wondering when you should hire an expert to repair your concrete slab? This post outlines a few concrete problems that you need to hire a professional for.

Cracks in Concrete Slab

Not all cracks in concrete are cause for concern, but we do recommend having a professional inspect your home if you do happen to notice any cracks. It’s always better to catch a problem early and be able to effectively repair it from the start, rather than allowing the problem to worsen over time. Knowing the type of the crack can help diagnose what the problem is, as well as how to go about fixing them. Expansion cracks, cracks from plastic shrinkage, and settling cracks are a few types of cracks that professionals will look for to help locate the source your foundation problems. You can learn more about these types of common concrete cracks in a previous blog post!

Sloping Concrete Slab

Fluctuating weather conditions, improper soil treatment before pouring a concrete slab, and regular wear and tear can all cause a concrete slab to slope. As the ground beneath the slab settles, the concrete can sink, or slope to one side. As time passes and the ground settles further, the concrete can sink or slope more, adding additional pressure to the slab, and can ultimately cause the slab to crack. It is best to contact a professional as soon as you notice any sloping or sinking in your concrete slab.

Uneven Concrete Slabs

Similar to sloping concrete, uneven concrete can also be caused by different weather conditions and settling. You’ll likely see uneven slabs in places like driveways, pool decks, sidewalks, and patios. Areas where concrete butts up to another piece of concrete are more prone to excessive movement. While uneven slabs in these areas may not need to be repaired immediately, the sooner you can stabilize the movement beneath the concrete slabs, the better.

If you need to repair your concrete slab, we offer free estimates, and perform foundation repairs that can keep your home structurally sound for years to come. Contact us to set up an inspection!

Common Concrete Cracks

Just about every home, whether it’s new or old, may have some type of cracks in the concrete. Not every crack is a sign of foundation or structural damage, but they shouldn’t be ignored, either.

concrete cracks and their causesCracks can be as thin as a hair or big enough to see light through it. The width, direction, and the number of cracks all are ways that a professional can determine if a crack is cosmetic or structural. Repair methods depend on the cause and impact of the crack.

This is backed by the American Concrete Institute manual.

“Even with the best floor designs and proper construction, it is unrealistic to expect crack-free and curl-free floors. Consequently, every owner should be advised by both the designer and contractor that it is normal to expect some amount of cracking and curling on every project, and that such occurrences do not necessarily reflect adversely on either the adequacy of the floor’s design or the quality of its construction” -ACI 302. 1-40

Common Cracks

Expansion Cracks

If you have been out driving around during a heatwave, you may have seen roads buckled. The heat causes the concrete surface to expand and it has to go somewhere. If the concrete can’t flex, the concrete will crack.

Most concrete surfaces have expansion cracks installed when they’re poured. The expansion joints are usually filled with softer material, such as wood, rubber, or asphalt and can absorb the compression from the concrete. By giving the concrete room to move, it allows the slab to expand without cracking elsewhere.

One problem with expansion cracks is that the “filling” can be removed by traffic, weather, and other factors. If the material is missing, water can flow under the slab, eroding the foundation. Also, without the absorbing material, the concrete surface may bump up against another unforgiving material, causing cracks.

Cracks Caused by Heaving

We discussed what happens when concrete is heated, but did you know that slabs can crack from freezing, also?

When the ground freezes, it can lift several inches. If that doesn’t cause the slab to crack, then the repeated pattern of freezing and thawing will. Just like when you flex a piece of metal repeatedly, the slab will eventually weaken and crack.

Additionally, if the concrete surface is immovable, the force of the soil heaving below it can stress the slab enough to cause it to crack.

You may also have seen this occur when a tree’s roots grow too close to the concrete. The roots can lift the concrete, cracking it and moving it out of place.

Overloaded Slabs

The reason we use concrete is that it is incredibly hard and strong. However, there is a limit to what a slab can take before it cracks. Most concrete contractors will tell you that the mix has a strength of 2000, 4000, or more PSI. This means it can withstand that many pounds per square inch. Anything heavier than that will pulverize the concrete.

The amount of weight that can crush concrete isn’t usually seen in a residential situation. More often, the problem is that the soil beneath the slab cannot take the excess weight of a vehicle or other object.  The soil will compress, compromising the base beneath the concrete slab.

If the soil isn’t properly compressed during construction or if the soil becomes saturated due to rain or other causes, the dirt may be too soft for the weight of the slab and whatever is on top of it. The soil may not compress evenly, causing the concrete to crack.

Some things we have seen that caused problems were construction equipment, delivery vehicles, RVs, Dumpsters, and other large items.

Plastic Shrinkage

Before concrete hardens, it has large water content. This is called a plastic state. The water leaves the slab as it hardens, leaving voids between the solid particles. The voids can cause the concrete to weaken and crack, which can be a common occurrence.

Plastic shrinkage can cause cracks anywhere on a concrete surface but are most commonly seen in reentrant corners or around circular objects like pipes or conduit. Concrete can’t shrink around bends or corners, so the surface cracks instead.

Premature Drying

Crazing and crusting cracks are the two most common types of cracks associated with premature drying. If a newly poured concrete surface dries too quickly, you may see these cracks.

Crazing is usually cosmetic in nature. The cracks are very fine and look like a spider web. The surface of the concrete can lose moisture too quickly, causing the crazing cracks.

Crusting occurs during the stamping process. The stamping process adds texture or patterns to the concrete while it’s still wet. The top of the surface may dry quicker than the rest of the concrete, causing the top layer to become crusty. These cracks, like crazing, are not structural problems but can be unsightly.

Cracks Caused by Settling

If the ground below a concrete surface settles quickly or unevenly, it can cause the slab to crack.

Voids beneath the surface can allow the slab to sink, putting a lot of pressure on the concrete. The voids can be filled through mudjacking or polyjacking, giving the slab a strong base and lifting it to the desired height.

Experts Know Cracks

The average person will have trouble determining what a crack means or what caused it. There are a lot of variables that go into pouring and maintaining concrete slabs.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the professionals at FOUNDATIONS ON THE LEVEL for a free inspection and quote for any concrete cracks you may have.


Landslides and Foundation Problems

landslidesCalifornia has been no stranger to weird weather and other natural occurrences this last year. After wildfires have removed most of the plant life protecting the earth from erosion, record-breaking rainfalls have been taking place. Landslides and other disasters have occurred throughout the state.

This mixture of events can cause a lot of problems for roads and structures around the area. The slides can consist of rockfalls, mudflows, slope failures, and more and can happen anywhere there is a slope gradient, it doesn’t have to be steep, just enough for gravity and momentum to do their thing.

Extreme Damage Caused by Slides

Slides can be tremendous forces of nature, destroying roads, moving vehicles, and leveling buildings. The slide can also pick up trees, objects, and debris, causing damage and blocking waterways which can result in flooding. Mudflows in Southern California in 2018 caused an estimated $177 million in property damage, $7 million in emergency responses, and $43 million in clean up costs, in addition to causing 21 reported deaths and over 150 people being hospitalized.

Landslides and Your Home

Your home may be strong and the foundation stable, but if a landslide were to occur, your house may be in danger. FOUNDATIONS ON THE LEVEL can help protect your home and repair any damage that may occur from a landslide or mudflow.

Foundation Repair

ECP resistance piers raising foundationAny type of movement of the earth around your home can damage the foundation. A settling or sunken foundation can lead to structural damage throughout the house. The landslide can remove support from one side of your home or exert great pressure on another side.

You may notice cracks, bowing walls, and other signs of foundation problems after a slide. Don’t waste any time having it inspected. The stability of your entire home depends on having a strong foundation. Make sure that a reliable foundation contractor examines your property and you follow through with any suggestions that they may make.

Slab Leveling

slab levelingNot every landslide causes foundation problems, sometimes it may just disturb your concrete slabs. Your driveway, sidewalk, or patio can be pushed out of place or sink.

An uneven slab is not only ugly, but it can be a tripping hazard or not allow water to drain correctly. Water may flow towards your home or cause the soil under the slab to erode, leading to more problems.

FOUNDATIONS ON THE LEVEL can make sure that your slab is level and safe through the application of polyurethane foam. The foam will expand, raising the slab to the desired level and sealing the bottom from any water infiltration. Protect your home and guests from an uneven slab.

Crack Repair

floor crack repair orange countyIf the earth around your home moves, you may notice cracks in floors, walls, and ceilings. There are two kinds of cracks: structural and settlement cracks. You can look for cracks and monitor if they are growing. If you are at all concerned about a crack, you must contact a reputable foundation contractor like FOUNDATIONS ON THE LEVEL.

One of the problems with cracks is that, if you aren’t knowledgeable about their cause or what they can do, you have no idea if it is something cosmetic or a sign of future foundation collapse. However, even if a crack isn’t a structural issue, it can allow water and pests to enter your home. You must have the cracks taken care of.

Retaining Wall Repair

retaining wall repairYour retaining wall has one job: to keep the earth on the other side of the wall in place. If a landslide occurs, it can cause the retaining wall to lean or bow, or in a worst-case scenario, to even fail.

FOUNDATIONS ON THE LEVEL can keep your retaining wall strong and stable. Through the use of helical tiebacks, a leaning retaining wall can be pulled back and be stronger than ever.

A retaining wall protects your property, so make sure that you take care of it!

Foundations on the Level and Slides

There is only so much you can do to try and tame Mother Nature, sometimes she will just do what she wants. Let FOUNDATIONS ON THE LEVEL help you keep your property safe before or after a landslide.

free inspections

Contact us today to learn more about all the services we offer in Orange County and the surrounding area.

Do Not Sit On Foundation Repairs

If you’re like most people, you prioritize your home repairs by severity, price, and other factors. A leaking pipe may take priority over a crack in the wall. While one does constitute an emergency, the crack is no less a danger to your home’s stability.

All homes do settle over time and cracks may happen. You may take a “wait and see” approach to cracks in the foundation, but this isn’t a problem you want to wait on.

kitten sitting on its haunches

Why Shouldn’t You Wait for Foundation Repairs?

Your foundation is easily the most important part of your home. It keeps your building stable and safe and should be kept strong. It probably doesn’t seem like a little crack could cause much trouble, but you might be surprised. The foundation is probably not going to completely fail from one or two cracks, but the damage can begin and accelerate quickly. Cracks can allow water in, damaging your home and further weakening your foundation walls.

Problems Can Compound

As we said earlier, homes settle all the time, however, if you have some damage already, this motion can cause more problems. As the temperatures of the seasons change, the house will usually sink in the summer and rise in the winter. Foundations can crack more and plumbing can break or leak.

Other things that can happen to a home with a weakened foundation includes sticking doors and windows, sloping floors, cracks in other portions of the home, and more. All of these problems can cause issues and dangers around the home.

More Time, More Damage, More Money

The longer you wait to fix a foundation problem the more time it will take, the more damage it can cause, and the more money it will cost to repair. No one wants to spend money on home repairs, but if you wait to repair the foundation it will cost more in labor and material costs, in addition to there probably being a bigger problem to remedy.

If you are looking to sell your home or do major home improvements, you will want to get foundation repairs done ASAP. Repairs will become more complicated and costly, as time goes on.

Foundations on the Level

It is a good idea to at least have a foundation repair expert (like FOUNDATIONS ON THE LEVEL) to inspect your property and give you a free estimate.

free inspections

FOUNDATIONS ON THE LEVEL is here to help you with all of your foundation repair needs. We want you to have a strong and stable home. Contact us today to learn more about all the services we offer.

Most Common Foundation Issues in Southern California

People in Southern California deal with a very specific set of foundation problems. Because most people have slab foundations, foundation repair and foundation raising in Southern California is different than in other states and other parts of the state. Learn what the common foundation issues are in Southern California as well as how to identify a foundation problem. Once you know you have a problem, you should call an expert at FOUNDATIONS ON THE LEVEL.

Common Foundation Issues and How to Repair Them

Bowing Walls & Wall Cracks

Wall cracks are among the most common foundation problems in Southern California

Look for bowing and buckling of walls. Walls that are bowing and leaning often have cracks as well. This issue is caused by unstable foundations and is typically repaired by pier installation. Sometimes helical tiebacks can be used to repair retaining walls and other walls in SoCal properties.

Foundation Settlement

foundation settlement often causes foundation cracks and other common foundation issues

If you see visible signs that your foundation is sinking or settling, it could indicate major foundation failure. Underpinning with steel push piers or helical piers can help lift and stabilize settled foundations in Southern California.

Floor Cracks & Uneven Floors

floor cracks are often caused by foundation issues

Cracks in the floor of a home or separating between walls and floors can mean that the foundation has settled unevenly. This also causes floors to slope. Sagging and bounciness in floors may accompany cracks. This problem usually requires underpinning with piers or polyurethane injection.

Ceiling Cracks

wall crack repair Southern California

Cracks in your ceiling can also indicate foundation failure. These cracks come in a variety of shapes – spiderweb cracks, angled cracks, and horizontal or vertical cracks. Larger cracks that extend down the wall or occur near doors and windows are usually more serious. Underpinning or slab lifting with polyurethane helps fix this issue.

Sticking Doors & Windows

sticking windows and doors Southern California

If your doors and windows are sticking closed or not closing properly, it may be the sign of movement in your foundation or even foundation failure. If you find this in conjunction with other issues, call an expert right away. Foundation repair and foundation raising can help fix the underlying issues causing this problem.

Foundation Cracks

foundation cracks Southern California

Here in California, we’re more prone to cracking and settling foundations due to our climate and soil conditions. Foundation settlement and upheaval, which is the opposite of settlement, are both very common in Southern California. Cracks can also lead to foundation leakage. Get these cracks fixed right away with underpinning or professional crack injection repair.

free inspections

We utilize foundation underpinning and polyurethane injection for slab leveling to fix all of these issues for SoCal homeowners. Contact FOUNDATIONS ON THE LEVEL for foundation repair solutions in Southern California.

How Hot, Dry Weather Affects Your Foundation

Sunburns and heat exhaustion are not the only dangers of hot, dry weather.  The recent and frequent hot, dry weather in California may have more of an impact on your home than you are aware of.

Dry weather can cause a variety of problems for the foundation of your home or business.

Water Evaporation from Concrete

hot, dry weather affects on foundation graphic: slab cracks, home leaks, settlement? could be the result of dry weather. foundations on the level can help you.

If you have a new slab or concrete foundation, it may still be susceptible to water evaporation. As the heat rises, it will cause water to evaporate out of the concrete. This evaporation can cause the concrete to crack, making it unstable and letting water inside the cracks.

Soil Shrinkage

As the temperatures get warmer and if dry conditions persist, the soil around your home will dry out. The drier the soil gets, the more it will shrink. When this happens, the soil starts to compact or form spaces and voids. The foundation is no longer properly supported with these spaces and cracks in the ground underneath it, so it will start to sink and shift. Settlement and shifting lead to a host of other issues, including foundation cracks and leaks, wall cracks, and sticking windows and doors.

Soil Erosion

Once a decently heavy rain finally does fall on soil that has been dried out for a while, water will rush through the cracks and spaces, causing the loose, dry soil to wash away. This can create further voids under the home or slab, making for more severe foundation settlement. On the other hand, if the rain continues long enough, water can fill the voids, saturate the ground, and lead to an increase in hydrostatic pressure that pushes on the concrete. This pressure will cause heaving and crack formation.

Dry Weather Solutions

No matter what sort of issue occurs due to the hot, dry summer weather, FOUNDATIONS ON THE LEVEL has a solution. We offer piering solutions to lift and level sinking concrete foundations. We also offer polymer foam injections to lift concrete slabs and crack repair solutions for the results of hot weather foundation damage.

free inspections

Call us today to learn more!

Crack Repair in Orange County

Cracked wall

Cracks can be ugly, yet harmless, but they can also be small and a sign of a major problem. Homes and businesses in Orange County can have cracks, regardless of whether it’s an older structure or new construction. There are a lot of variables that can cause cracks throughout your building.

You should take notice of any new or growing cracks you may find. FOUNDATIONS ON THE LEVEL has the skills and tools to take care of any cracks in your home or office.

Causes of Foundation Cracks

Most foundation cracks are the result of structural issues like severe settlement and shifting. Soil can be impacted by moisture levels. Too much water and the soil can heave and swell, too little water and the soil can shrink. This can put tremendous pressure on your foundation walls and slabs. If the moisture levels change drastically, the effect can be like bending a piece of metal back and forth. Eventually, it will crack and break.

Repair Solutions in Orange County

Foundation Crack Repair

Our primary solution for foundation cracks is to install ECP (Earth Contact Products) steel piers to lift and stabilize foundations. These piers are installed under foundations, driven into the ground until they reach stable soils that can withstand the weight of the structure. They can then be utilized to raise and support the foundation for crack repair to prevent further issues from arising.

Slab Crack Repair

If the crack is in a slab, we can help with that, too. If you see cracks in any concrete slabs–your patio, pool deck, porch, or driveway–on your Orange County property, we can fix these with our slab leveling service. For this repair option, we utilize Accella Polyurethane Systems to inject polyurethane foam under sinking, cracked slabs. This foam expands under the concrete to raise and stabilize the slab and to close cracks in the slab.

Cracks You Might See in Your Orange County Home

If you live in Orange County, there are several different kinds of cracks that you should watch out for in your home. The warm dry weather throughout the year in Southern California can dry out the soil under your foundation, causing voids to form underground. If these voids form under your foundation or slab, they will not give the concrete enough support, leading to uneven settlement and shifting. These issues can cause major structural failure and should not be ignored.

Cracks can occur both externally and internally and could be signs of much more serious issues. Examine your home for the following kinds of cracks and contact FOUNDATIONS ON THE LEVEL to find the best repair solution.

foundation crack repair orange county

Foundation Cracks

If you see cracks in your foundation, it could mean that your foundation has started to settle or that it has become structurally unsound. Horizontal cracks visible on the exterior foundation are typically more serious than vertical or diagonal cracks, although you should have all large cracks, over 1/32″ in width, examined by a professional, especially if additional problems (uneven floors, sticking doors, leaks) accompany the cracks.

concrete slab crack repair orange county

Slab Cracks

Aside from your foundation, you might see cracks in other concrete slabs, such as your driveway, patio, pool deck, porch, stair stoop, or garage floor. Larger cracks, usually accompanied by heaving or sinking slabs, might indicate slab sinking due to erosion or soil shrinkage. Contact an expert at FOUNDATIONS ON THE LEVEL to get these cracks fixed as soon as possible to reduce tripping hazards and keep your family safe.

wall crack repair orange county

Wall Cracks

Cracks in your interior walls might be a sign of foundation failure. If you only see hairline cracks or if they are in the same direction that the drywall was hung, they are probably not a major issue. However, horizontal cracks, wide cracks, vertical cracks or diagonal cracks that span from the wall to the floor or ceiling may indicate foundation settlement or shifting. You should have these cracks looked at by a professional as soon as possible.

floor crack repair orange county

Floor Cracks

If you’ve noticed cracks in your concrete floor, you might be dealing with foundation problems. Floor cracks that are wide and are allowing water to enter are usually signs of foundation settlement or shifting. Also, look for cracks in areas of the floor that appear to be heaving or sinking. This is a sign that the foundation is no longer structurally sound and needs to be looked at right away.

ceiling crack repair orange county

Ceiling Cracks

Examine the shape and size of your ceiling cracks to determine if you have a foundation problem. Small, spider web-shaped cracks 1/16th of an inch or smaller are probably just signs of normal home aging. However, vertical cracks that run from the ceiling to the walls and cracks accompanied by bowing or sagging ceilings might indicate foundation damage.

free inspections

If you see any of these issues in your Orange County home, contact us right away for professional crack repair.

Cracked Slab Solutions in Southern California

cracked slabs

If you have a cracked slab on your Southern California property, it’s important to get it taken care of right away. Many homes and businesses in Carlsbad, San Diego, and surrounding areas experience cracked concrete slabs because of excess water changing the soil conditions. Other causes of cracked slabs are seismic activity or settlement over time.

FOUNDATIONS ON THE LEVEL is your trusted Southern California Foundation Repair Expert that specializes in the repair of cracked slabs and concrete. If you are a property owner, contact us today to schedule a free inspection and estimate.

What Caused My Cracked Slab?

Several conditions can lead to a cracked slab. Here are some of the most common issues that we find are causing cracked slabs in Southern California:

Soil Erosion

slab crack in southern ca

When the soil beneath your home is too saturated with water, it will expand and create pressure against your concrete slab. The soil then becomes dehydrated and shrinks when it is too dry, which causes movement in your concrete that can form cracks over time.

Foundation Settlement

Foundation settlement happens when the ground beneath your home can no longer support the weight above it. Your home will begin to sink into the ground. Usually, a home will not sink altogether at the same rate. Certain sections of the home will go down faster than others, causing an imbalance in the settlement. This will create dangerous slab cracks that need serious structural repair.

Seismic Activity

Although rare that a foundation would crack due to a typical west coast earthquake, seismic activity over time can shift the ground beneath your home, causing your foundation to settle and crack, or form gaps in your concrete.

Can I Repair My Cracked Slab Myself?

concrete slab crack repair southern california

There are many “DIY Cracked Slab Repair” techniques out there, but fixing a cracked slab isn’t a project that your average handyman can achieve.

Cracked slabs require structural repair because the root cause of them is structural damage. Simply mending a crack with caulk or concrete patching won’t address the underlying problem. You need to address your expanding soil problem or settling foundation to prevent cracked slabs in the future.

Have your property inspected by a Southern California foundation repair expert who understands structural issues and can provide you with a permanent solution.

Foundation Solutions for Cracked Slabs in San Diego & Orange County

Since several different things can cause cracked slabs, it is wise to get a foundation repair specialist to inspect your foundation.  They can help you find the underlying cause of the problem.

FOUNDATIONS ON THE LEVEL has been serving the Carlsbad area for over 2 decades.  We offer several solutions for cracked concrete slabs. If you have a foundation settlement issue, we can install steel piers underneath your home to make sure that your house is permanently secured on stable soil.

We also offer polyurethane slab injection to repair cracked slabs that have been damaged by soil erosion or ground movement not related to foundation settlement.

free inspections

Our professional team will evaluate your situation and provide you with a detailed quote based on your specific needs and budget. Call us today to get started!